The rates include the WST$10 / day insurance. Hirers are liable for the first WST$5,000 for damage which is non-waivable. Overhead and underbody plus windscreen, tire damage are entirely at the hirer’s risk.
Cash Payment
Payment of the estimated cost of the hire plus WST$300 or more bond is required at the commencement of hire (depending on the size of the vehicle).
Final adjustment will be made on rental termination.
**We do not accept personal cheques**
Each day is based on a 24 hour period. Additional time is charged at WST$20.00 per hour depending on the type of vehicle.
Credit Card Payment
Please note, if you pay with Credit Card, we will add WST$5 to the daily vehicle rate.
Petrol is not included in our rates. The vehicle will be given with full tank and refilled at the hirer’s expense.
Parking and traffic fines are the responsibility of the hirers.
We can arrange for chauffeur drivers if requested. Free pickup and delivery are provided within Apia and airport areas. There is a WST$70.00 charge (each way) for delivery/pickup from Faleolo International Airport.
For Your Information
Speed Limit
Town Areas: 25 miles per hour
Outside Town: 35 miles per hour
Drivers License
We issue temporary drivers license at the cost of WST$21.00.
Ferry Vehicles
Vehicles are allowed to be transported between Upolu and Savaii Islands at WST$100.00 one way depending on the size of the car.